Items view

In the items view you can see the items contained in the selected CSV file grouped according to the first letter in each row and the total number of items (bottom-right):

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2018-12-07 at 22.47.33.png

Here you do the following:

  • Change settings: Click the upper-right settings button; see below for which settings are available.
  • Search for items: Either click the small red magnifier symbol or pull the list down to see the search field. Then you input the text you want to search for; the search is case-insensitive and will match any item containing all of the text you’ve input.
  • Jump to section: Clicking on a character to the right will jump to this section.
  • Columns: Here you can select which columns should be included in the row for the item and in which order.
  • Changing size: Pinch to zoom, or use the bottom symbols indicating zoom out/in to decrease/increase the row and font sizes.
  • Normal/Reverse sorting order: Use the rightmost icon to select normal or reverse sorting order.
  • Select a specific item for closer inspection: Click the item row to enter this view.


Searching is always case-insensitive. When searching, items will be matched if they contain all of the input words anywhere. So for example

Game adv

will match all items containing both game and adv anywhere in their description.

If you want to only match exact characters, you can enclose the whole search inside quotes. So for example

“Game adv”

will match an item with the phrase game adventures in the description, but not an item with adventure game in it.

Note that you cannot combine searching with quotes and without them. So searching with

“Game adv” rpg

will only match items with the whole phrase “game adv” rpg in them (so likely nothing). In other words, only use quotes enclosing the whole search term.


Here are the available settings:

Appearance settings

  • Grouped items: If you for some reason do not want to group items into sections, you can switch this off here.
  • Grouped numbers: Select to group all rows beginning with a number into one section.
  • Show dot separator: Selecting whether to separate fields within a row with a “‧” separator or not.
  • Multiline: If a row is longer than can be shown, here you select if you want to show all text even if it requires more than one line, or cut the end of the line.
  • Monospaced font: Select to use a monospaced font, i.e. a fixed width font. NOTE! Unfortunately there are no monospaced fonts where e.g. Latin and Japanese characters have the same width, so mixing such text will not result in characters lining up.
  • Width: Available if Monospaced font is selected, this can be used if you want to define the exact number of characters to be used in the row for each column so that all fields in the rows line up with each other. For values shorter than the given number, spaces will be added, and for values longer, characters will be removed from the end. To define the widths there are two options:
    • Pre-def: This is for the case when you already know the number of characters you want to show for each column. If you do, the 2nd line in the CSV file (the one following the line with the column names), should contain the width for each column. For performance reason the max width allowed is 256. NOTE! In case you have this switched on and the file has not been configured with a 2nd line as mentioned, the actual second row in the file will not be shown in the list (since the app still considers this row to be widths), and the actual widths used will be indeterminate (or rather they will be whatever width the actual row values will be interpreted as, most commonly 0 or 1).
    • Auto: With this, the app goes through all rows and finds the maximum length for all fields in a given column, and uses this for the width. To avoid cases where some fields will be ridiculously long, the width for each column will be capped at a maximum of 24 characters. NOTE! This option has a fairly high performance cost since every single word in the file must be checked for its length so if you switch this on and the app takes a long time to load a file, you have been warned.

Sort and search settings

  • Sort enabled: If your file is already sorted and you want to keep it that way, switch off this setting (this of course also disables all the sorting settings below).
  • Case-sensitive sort: Can you guess? 😉
  • Numeric sort: Means that “2” comes before “10”, i.e. interpreting numbers as actual numbers rather than as text.
  • Literal sort: Complicated, but has to do with whether e.g. the letter é should be sorted the same as e. and that this also depends on the current language used on your device. Should normally be used, but in case you get some weird result for unusual characters, try switching it off.
  • Correct sort: Strange name of the setting perhaps, but for performance reasons sorting is normally done using the text as shown in the list. However, the setting Column separator impacts the text shown, and if you instead want to actually sort on first field, then second field, etc, completely ignoring any separator, switch this on.
  • Smart search clearing: If you start searching, the shown items will update dynamically. If this is on, selecting a found item directly will also stop the search so that when you return to this list from the item details view, no search is performed.


It is possible to use built-in icons for items which will then be shown in front of the row:

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2018-12-07 at 22.49.33.png

The way to do this is to add a CSV Touch-specific column to your CSV file, and then use the name of the desired icon as the value for your item. The column should be called CSV Touch icon and the available icons and their names are:And yes, I know they are low-resolution and not exactly beautiful, but they were added for a very specific use case and I suspect this functionality is very very rarely used 🙂 If you have some special icons which you’d like to be able to use and which are not copyrighted, please contact me and perhaps they can be added as well.